Philosophy and Treatment
I believe you need to meet patients where they are and provide tailored integrated treatment to each individual. I do not believe in one-size fits all or a cookbook approach to mental health or behavioral change. There is a push (primarily from insurance companies) to treat mental health in a medical model. But human behavioral change does not follow a linear course the way healing from a broken leg or a surgery does. Any of us who have struggled with our own behavioral change or a friend’s or a family member’s recognize that we each do it a bit differently – based on so many factors: our family culture, childhood experiences, our specific coping strategies, our support system, and our meaning of the experience or event.
I believe that most of us just want our lives to work– to have a loving relationship, satisfying career, and optimal health. But when life throws us a curve ball/adversity: a terrible relationship with a narcissist, a divorce, illness or some other disappointment, I find that some of us handle this curve ball/adversity better than others. I have found that individuals who go through life with rigid expectations of themselves or about their life cannot adapt to the inevitable changes life puts in their path and fare much worse than those individuals who accept the uncertainly of life’s journey and adapt to its changes. What I love about psychotherapy is that it teaches the skills necessary to adapt to life’s inevitable changes. It does this by showing you how to be in control of your response to life. Your response is made of your thoughts and feelings – your beliefs -and because they are your thoughts and feelings, you can learn skills to manage them. And once you have this skill, you will be able to respond to life’s changes in a more rational and effective manner.
Therapy is a process of self-discovery that enables you to recognize unhealthy patterns of behavior and learn effective coping strategies for optimal health and well-being. I provide a safe environment for psychotherapy through a warm, open communication style. I believe psychotherapy is a collaborative undertaking between patient and therapist; that listening, understanding, and respecting each patient’s unique story is necessary for optimal treatment.
I use evidenced-based techniques from cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapies Most psychotherapy modalities are a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. I use a variety of treatment modalities based on your specific needs. No two people or issues are the same. I tailor treatment to you.
I treat adults 18 years or older (I have treated individuals as old as 90+). I treat various forms of depression, anxiety, and trauma, as well as difficulties due to various life events and/or transitions including but not limited to illness, divorce, relationship and familial problems, end of life issues and grief. I am also passionate about helping people recover from (and not repeat) unhealthy, negative relationships with difficult partners, often narcissists.
Dr Love is a member of the following professional organizations:
American Psychological Association
Colorado Psychological Association
PsyPact (Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact) an interstate compact designed to facilitate the practice of telehealth and in-person, face-to-face practice of psychology across jurisdictional boundaries.